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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @rollo22 My mom bottle feeds her, and sometimes she lays down with her and feeds her that way. She does end up falling to sleep. There's also supposed to be this new formula that helps baby sleep longer. I saw it on my ads; it's called ByHeart and there is a research study that showed they...
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @chenml60 I mean you didn’t mention anything about feeding. Honestly boobs are magic and they’re the only way she can sleep a lot of the time.
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    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @trixee12 Thank you for sharing! I’m still on maternity leave, so no advice, but I’m in a similar situation to OP in that I work from 6-9pm. Everyone on this site keeps saying that babies’ optimum sleep routine is to be done early, but I keep wondering to myself, “Can’t we just do it later?”...
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    What is it like going from 1-2 or 2-3 kids with 2 full time working parents?

    @crustyfrog Wow! Congrats on passing the bar with three kids and ducks!
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    New job mom guilt

    @algie Its so weird to me to just jump into a new position and leave the old one behind. I've always done more of a slow fade, where I accept the new job, and take a week off of my old job. That way I see if I really like the new job before I go in heads first :P If you could do a trial like...
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    Temporarily stepping away from career to be a stay at home mom?

    @john76 I mean you have a PhD, which means you’d probably have no problem getting a good job whenever you decide to come back. I actually just posted in the r/teachersintransition sub that they added a master’s/doctoral differential at my school district. And right now there’s such a shortage...
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    post-work baby play

    @j2049 That’s so cute!
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    I’m new to cosleeping

    @kens I have the bassinet on the side of the bed even at 11 months of age, which is useless for actually sleeping in, but a useful barrier to make sure she doesn't roll off the bed. And my husband is on the other side so that works as a natural barrier.