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  1. D

    How unlucky was I?

    @fleckphan I was 38+2, with no complications. The only thing I can think of that might have caused PROM was that I had been doing a fair amount of walking - not like Olympic levels, just more than enough to tire me out. My mental health is not in a great place tbh. I’m trying to access...
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    How unlucky was I?

    @jdvelez This is helpful! I was never told that my baby was sunny side up, but it may have been the case. From my reading, I think that PROM can have a lot in common with induction (regardless of the use of pitocin in PROM labours), and so could be seen as similar in terms of the beginning of...
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    How unlucky was I?

    @cocoon87 I hear this, but it’s been a year and I still feel like my kid’s babysitter. I feel like it should have improved by now and that at this point it’s unlikely to happen on its own 😕
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    How to respond to the F bomb?

    @markinsydney Mine (slightly younger - turning two) picked it up from me 😬 he was really into it for a good few weeks. Eventually I started telling him it’s a word we only use when we’re really really mad. When he said it I would fake concern and say “uh oh, are you really mad? Because that’s a...
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    How unlucky was I?

    @junkyarder Where I am (not the States) the attitude is usually that you’ll take the medical care given to you and be grateful for it. Shopping around for a provider is not really a thing unfortunately! Bullshit is definitely the word 🙃
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    How unlucky was I?

    @junkyarder I didn’t really have a choice of hospital, unfortunately. I don’t know if it’s possible to check out these stats where I am, but I can definitely find out! TBH I’m not super happy with my OB, but I think a lot of them would have made similar decisions. She is the one who followed me...
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    Cosleeping vs bed sharing for 4 month old

    @cherish616 I really like your comparison to abstinence-only sex ed. Sure, it’s safer, but in the real world bed-sharing is going to happen (I started bed-sharing because I accidentally fell asleep once breastfeed my baby in an armchair at 3 am out of exhaustion and completely freaked myself...
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    How unlucky was I?

    @joegibson Thank you for the suggestion. I actually did this, and the OB reassured me that second births are usually easier, but I was left with the impression that from her point of view everything had gone well and kind of that I was being a bit of a drip in finding it so difficult to get over...
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    How unlucky was I?

    @katrina2017 This is good to hear! Unfortunately I also read stories from people who had worse second deliveries after bad first ones and I don’t think I could handle that. But it is hopeful to hear that these things can get better!
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    How unlucky was I?

    @bluedragon1988 This is very helpful, thank you! I did not know that about the effect on breast milk coming in, but the whole thing did feel like some hormones were out of whack causing things not to proceed as usual.
  11. D

    How unlucky was I?

    I hope I can explain my question clearly! I had a pretty shitty labour, delivery and (incomplete) recovery. It has made me completely rethink my desire for more children, but I’m not yet ready to mentally close the door on that. One thing that is really bothering me, and that might help me...