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  1. P

    What’s for Christmas, y’all?

    @expertofsound This is hella smart
  2. P

    What’s for Christmas, y’all?

    For those who celebrate, I’d love to know what you’re getting your kiddos and sharing ideas. Our 15 month old is really into taking stuff out of cupboards and bringing them to us. Might get him a play kitchen but I’m not sure if it’s too advanced. What about you- what are you...
  3. P

    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower Exactly! There is a lot of fear mongering around bedsharing that really isn’t necessary based on the statistics so long as you’re planning for it safely. You sound like you’re following all of the safety requirements, so I’d think you have a very low risk.
  4. P

    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower If it helps ease your mind, there is a SIDs risk calculator here: