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    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @hunter14 Sleep cues are not reliable after the newborn stage. At this age I would expect your schedule to change every 1-2 weeks. Yes things do change abruptly. Boredom looks like sleepiness at this age.
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    @sherrybaker Ask me anything.
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    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @hunter14 And btw the wake windows I sent are not a goal per se. Stretch yours and when your problem reduces you can pause.
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    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @hunter14 Your wake windows are very short. For a 5mo my suggestion is 2/2.25/2.5/2.75. stretch wake windows and your maybe perhaps will be able to remain asleep.
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    @laceylady Sorry no. We have to reschedule.
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    Unfortunately today's AMA is postponed to mid week due to sickness of Meg's baby.
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    @lilypham0606 You just have to be here.
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    Feedback request for sleep training plan for 6 m/o!

    @kisame2602 Your plan sounds mostly fine until the point that you say "If still crying - go in and rock/get to sleep however needed". This won't work. Sleep training is until the baby falls asleep otherwise you're training your baby to cry to get your help. For bed time, you need to keep...
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    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @ptimhoff I'm locking comments because you have lots of tips and perspectives here. It must be extremely hard. At this age wake windows are not super consistent but what helped me was to take baby to a dark environment around 60-75 minutes awake and try to help them relax with some white noise...
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    @mjfacio777 Will message Meg and get back to you. Hoping it is!
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    @towsend4234 Post your question here:
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    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    Keeping this post tagged with upcoming AMAs so the community knows when those will happen in advance. We hope this will increase participation and therefore deliver more value to our community. April 1st 10:30 to 15:30 HST with Meg from If you're a sleep consultant...
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @c2coldsteel06 Yes exactly, just a tiny nap to make it to bedtime.
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @c2coldsteel06 Try to push the first nap to 11am and see how it goes. If necessary give baby a tiny bridge nap as soon as they will accept it. Then move to 11:30am. Another option is to just accept sleep will reduce in volume as they get ready for one nap and make bedtime 30 minutes later.
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    Ugh what else can I do? 4 mo so sleep deprived. And f’in teething

    @hotleatherworld If you reduce the feeds slowly the calories intake moves to the daytime. You won't starve your baby. You're just changing the times of the day when that calorie intake is happening.
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    Short naps after 3 to 2 transition

    @korg How much does your baby sleep at night? Your schedule does not have enough awake time during the day. A two naps schedule to be sustainable need at least 10 hours of awake time. My suggestion is to keep them awake for 3 hours in the morning and see if the first nap extends, then 3.5 hours...
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    difficulty w day naps

    @jayden1234522 You don't have to keep her wake window to 90 minutes. You can make it 60. 90 is an upper threshold not a goal.
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    difficulty w day naps

    @jayden1234522 It is very hard to follow what your schedule actually is. At 2 months, if your baby has been awake for 90 minutes, I would offer them a nap in the dark with a white noise machine if possible.
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    Any tips on how to sleep train a 1 year old who has bed shared since 6 months and breastfed every night of his life?

    @janiesdad Because she will scream her lungs out to stop feeding to sleep and she will do it again when you sleep train. Screaming isn't doing to be 2x if you do together. You'll likely going to have just a hard week if you do it together. If you do it separate you will have a hard week or more...