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  1. C

    Toddler plates & bowls - Plastic? "Bamboo" (aka melamine)? Actual bamboo/wood? Something else? What does your family use?

    @tobiahjude99 They have small stainless steel trays that are marketed as toddler plates that you could use! No plastic and no risk of breaking.
  2. C

    Should I switch my 5 year olds pre k from play based to structured?

    @caa55 I’m a first grade teacher and used to work in daycare. The play-based preschool you’re describing honestly doesn’t sound like a play-based preschool at all. Play-based doesn’t just mean rotating through different toys; kids should actually be learning through the play. It doesn’t sound...
  3. C

    Maternity Leave- what would you do?

    @xxwunderkindxx I’m a teacher and also had gestational diabetes. I was due 12/29 and my doctor let me induce on 12/23 so the birth would line up with winter break 😂. Can you reach out to your principal and ask about taking unpaid days that are not part of FMLA? I was “sick” 12/21-12/23, then...
  4. C

    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @brineheart Ergos are all over Facebook Marketplace for $10-$30. I wouldn’t spend more than that on one; if you get into baby wearing you’ll probably end up wanting a different brand of carrier (Ergobaby is the most available and popular brand, not necessarily the best brand). You need to get...