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  1. B

    Hunt, gather, parent

    @mynamestartswithj Anthropology of childhood is so good! If you liked it I cannot recommend Sarah Hrdy's "Mother, Nature" enough. It's so good.
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    How are y’all building cooperative relationships?

    @yesterday987g I've found that my guy understands a ton if I explain things simply enough for him. "See how dirty your shirt is? See the oatmeal on it? It's dirty. Let's find a shirt that's not dirty" he GETS the concept of dirty and it's so helpful. Or we were just at a garden and he wanted to...
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    Clingy 10 month-old

    @discoveringyou Dooo ittttttt! Omg do it!
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 Yup! And since maybe 7 months he's been up a LOT. It's only recently slowed down. But his sleep has been all over the map. One night he only woke up twice, for a couple weeks he was waking up close to 5am, some days he still does that though maybe once a week instead of every day...
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    How did you choose a baby carrier/wrap?

    @juragankacang I started with what I was given by friends who were done having babies, so I got a stretchy wrap and an ergobaby with infant insert. I loved babywearing! The stretchy wrap was perfect for the newborn phase and the ergobaby was really a great, practical carrier. When my baby got a...
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 My baby is 10 months old, we bedshare and he wakes up every 1-2 hours, rarely he'll do a longer stretch, often he'll nurse more frequently especially in the morning between 4 and 6. Usually I'll nurse and he'll quickly resettle, sometimes not. Lately sometimes he'll wake up and move...
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    Transition from room-sharing to nursery at 10 months

    @audreyjk169 Just a thought but I'm a big believer that children are exquisitely tuned in to their parents and try so hard to please us. They pick up on what expectations we have for them and try to meet them. This works in both positive and negative ways and it's possible that your expectation...
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    Transition from room-sharing to nursery at 10 months

    @audreyjk169 Just out of curiosity, is there a reason you can't keep her in the guest room for a while longer? Maybe keep trying naps in her room, play in her room during the day, etc and see where things go? If you have guests over maybe you could put the big bed in her room?
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @y0ung1996 You're doing fine. Sleep is developmental. I coslept and nursed through the night until 17 months (when we night weaned), my guy never slept in his crib for a second. Woke up every hour or two until like 20 months. He's now 2.5 and sleeping through the night (most nights - of course...
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    Please recommend an easy to use stretchy wrap or similar for a newborn

    @emperorsolo I used a stretchy wrap all the time with my first and loved it but now with #2 it's such a pain to put on! I'm kind of surprised to be loving a ring sling with new baby. It's just so easy to pop them in, tighten and go. If you're interested in the style and especially because you...
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    For the parents whose toddlers went through a car seat refusal phase, how did you support them through that?

    @thestarside If you think LO is worried about getting left somewhere, or you guys leaving without them - definitely reassure that fear! Sometimes my guy just needs to know what happening and that we're all going together and then he's fine. Did you take them somewhere recently where you didn't...