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  1. N

    What to expect of a bilingual 2-year old?

    @aldredian I’d say we’re both primary caregivers based on how much time we spend with our daughter. She’s in day care full time. When we’re all together on the weekends we speak Dutch. When alone with her I almost exclusively speak Dutch.
  2. N

    What to expect of a bilingual 2-year old?

    @lliner That’s comforting to hear. I try to teach my parents some Norwegian phrases, but it’s hard for me to see when my daughter is blabbering away mostly in Norwegian and my parents obviously don’t understand her.
  3. N

    What to expect of a bilingual 2-year old?

    My partner and I are both fluent in each others mother language, Norwegian and Dutch (my language). Our 2 year old is exposed to the minority language Dutch when we’re at home together (usually only on weekends and 2-3 hours during work days). I guess it’s a OPOL / Minority language at home...