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  1. W

    Those who are in an office full time (let’s say 8-5), what’s the rest of your day look like?

    @pastorjeremiah Mom of an 8yo, here's our schedule when I'm in the office: 6:15 - roll myself out of bed, change, skincare 6:30 - get kiddo out of bed, changed, breakfast, ADHD meds 7:00- husband takes kid to bus stop (he's full time WFH), I drive to work 7:40ish - arrive at work Lunch break -...
  2. W

    Mom Hack

    @toliy I totally ripped off stories from episodes of TV shows. Recaps of a few episodes of twilight zone were favorites!
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @rengb121 When I was a kid, we would have morning snuggle time on Saturdays. We'd wake up and go climb into bed with mom and dad and go back to sleep. It was fantastic! Maybe something like that would work better?
  4. W

    Today, during a phone interview, I breastfed and put my 10 m/o down for a nap

    @panikos That's fantastic! Keeping fingers crossed that you move on to the next stage of the hiring process :)
  5. W

    New to BW, need some advice

    @slipknot0129 I wear the same size, though I'm not as busty, and the Lillebaby should work just fine. I have the chest straps pulled very snug, and there's quite a lot of extra strap length I have to roll up!