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  1. B

    Daughter coming home after TBI Wednesday, I’m terrified and full of fear even after trying to be grateful and hopeful. My heart aches

    @tim_goodnews A family friend was crushed in a car accident as a child (I think she was 6 or 7) when a semi truck crashed into their car. She lost an eye and has limited movement in one arm and had so much brain swelling that they had to do more than one craniotomy. She has her masters of fine...
  2. B

    My 4 week old daughter cried a lot and can’t be consoled. Don’t know if I should switch formula or not

    @mjwise Sounds like she could have reflux. What you’re describing is what my bub was like. It’s awful to hear that pain cry. We now add infant gaviscon and infacol to every bottle. It was a game changer for us! Infant gaviscon is a reflux powder get from the chemist and infacol is a liquid that...
  3. B

    Mouse ears headband for 1 year old?

    @mikehu It might hurt their head or behind their ears (some kids are more sensitive) but it’s not going to deform them.