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  1. G

    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 My kids do gymnastics because I’m right there with you on dance. My daughter does box lacrosse in season and my son does soccer, as well.
  2. G

    "jUsT sLeEp WhEn ThE bAbY sLeEpS"

    @steve2219 My husband and I tell each other to "fold laundry when the baby folds laundry!" and "cook dinner when the baby cooks dinner!" because sleep when the baby sleeps is such BS. Yes, if it's your first and you're ok with your house being a tornado, then fine whatever. But any subsequent...
  3. G

    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @bolfun4k Oh geez, what a nutjob...
  4. G

    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @bolfun4k A good chunk of my family is ambidextrous. We do lots with our lefts. What does she live in the 16th century or some shit, and thinks left handedness is evil?
  5. G

    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @bolfun4k Omg rage.