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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @ecowolf Okay.. so what’s your point exactly? So I may not kno every aspect but I can sympathize I’m not understanding what your exactly getting at? Not being a dick either I’m really inquiring
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @ecowolf How don’t I understand? I watched my mom pick herself up and struggled to do it alone. She had little to no help my pops wasn’t there as I was coming up for private issues I watched my mom do what she has to do in order to not need a man but getting govt assistance sure that’s...
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @ecowolf How so? Cuz I was there for every step my mother had to go through even up to the point where I ended up having to step up n pay rent in full at 16 I even asked my mom n she believes that my gf should b more independent and self sufficient than to try n rely on me to take care of her
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @duggadakumar Oh trust me I’ve tried lol she’s tells me I’m not seeing or understanding her perspective and I never will because I’m not a parent... but I do cuz I was raised by a single parent who did it by them selves
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @duggadakumar Yeah Ik n just yesterday she said to me she can’t b with a man that doesn’t carry the same weight as she does, let me tell u that confused me completely
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @mike70 Oh I understand it’s a lot trust I’ve pitched in multiple times lol
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @flintle I don’t think she is or is willing to or believes that she can
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @flintle But if she’s looking for someone to provide for her then like why is she throwing her independent don’t need a man in my face
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @flintle She’s not in school. And she says she only works part time because it take time away from her daughter It’s a bit more than casual me n her daughter have a bond
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @kellyomara I respect her and everything she does.. she just wants to throw it in my face n then tell me I need to do more for her gain
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @katrina2017 I agree I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all.. but to then throw in my face that she doesn’t need a man but tells me I need to do more in order to support her, sorry but yeah I see a bit of delusion in that
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @ecowolf True.. I never said that was an issue. I’m saying that she shouldn’t feel as if I should come in and do everything for her so she can get by scotch free. There should b some kind of shared Financial responsibilities. Cuz truth of the matter is that if I took on all the responsibility...
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @ecowolf I have the same thoughts in mind.. but I’m not in a relationship with her to save her from her circumstances. I will sure help her I’ll pitch in but I’m not finna take on all her responsibilities on my self she won’t have any No on marriage N slightly about kids, she doesn’t want...
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @ecowolf Lol we have talked about n she says that as a man I should pay for everything when it comes to living cost n she shouldn’t have to pay for anything besides her child’s needs But she’s unable to do that on her own but she wants me to do it How does that not build dependence on me ? Cuz...
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @rbh She most definitely is lucky but it feels like she trying to transfer their supportiveness over to me n I should b supportive (which I should) but it sounds like she wants to solely depend on me
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @mn_of_stl I’ve tried just letting it go n not bringing it up then boom she does. That doesn’t work. Talking it through “nicely” trying to avoid hurting her feelings. Tried that. It’s almost like too soft of a approach n she shoots it down n will hang up on me or stone wall. Tried aggressive...
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @mn_of_stl Nah I’m really trying to understand the opposition I really am but I just don’t I see no rationality to it. As far as I have heard, it’s a bunch of the same stuff my girlfriend says that leads to circles, with if this than that->well if that then this->repeat I’ve also been told I...
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    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    @sacm Omg thank u ! Lol so I’m not being crazy or unreasonable for thinking this way