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  1. H

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @vinhhali yes I think so! I take her out of bed and usually lay down with her on the couch and fall asleep too…when I wake up I put her back in her bed no problem. I was really afraid to night wean. My husband said he would do it but I knew she would feel better with me there so i ended up...
  2. H

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @vinhhali I have an almost 13 month old that I just night weaned! Her boob to sleep association wasn’t too strong. We could do feed to sleep or “dance” to sleep and she was pretty cool with either. But anyway I night weaned by laying with her and letting her cry and holding her for a few days...
  3. H

    Why my Asian Upbringing Made me consider Attachment Parenting

    @ell3bee This is so nice to read. I am trying to raise my baby this way. I’m white and my husband is half Jamaican. Surprisingly, it’s his mom (jamaican) that is the biggest advocate of “independence” and letting the baby cry. Because it’s so normal here in the US to have a more detached style...