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    Why I'm quitting

    @osvaldo UK based here, there is so much wrong with how pregnancy and birth are treated in the US that I don't even know where to start. I went back to work when my second child was 6.5 months old and that was considered early by our standards, I'm just such a godawful SAHM that it was better...
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    Stuff I now worry about in "trying" mode

    @missktl Exactly the same here regarding the whole "TTC but not very hard" life! I do basic things but I'm in no way anal retentive about it in the way most of TFAB seems to be.
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    WTT #2 Bedroom Problem (not that kind of problem)

    @jacklemyapple Nursery in your room - it's safest to have kids under 1 sharing a room with a parent.
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    We got the go ahead!

    @motherofone Macrosomia is simply the condition of being a big baby - it can refer more specifically to a big head though.
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    Pre-conception appointment overview

    @katrina2017 I needed a pile of dental work after my son was born. The NHS makes all dental treatment free during pregnancy and for 1 year after the due date because this is a really common thing.
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    Pre-conception appointment overview

    @katrina2017 Frequent vomiting can be hard on the teeth too - women who had HG can need a lot of work afterwards.