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  1. D

    F**k viruses

    @mynameishephzibah You should ask your daycare what they are doing for infection control. 2 large Air purifiers in every room should be the minimum and kids over 2 as well as daycare workers should mask during covid surge times (which is right now).
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    F**k viruses

    @oliviate It's coming in from other people who go out sick or are asymptomatic (so they don't show signs but can still pass on illness - which can happen when older kids/adults have rsv, with covid, or even things like hand, foot and mouth disease). So if you're in poorly ventilated spaces...
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    F**k viruses

    @helasomething Please mask with in N95 so you don't get reinfected. Repeat covid infections raises your chances of getting long covid. I like 3M Aura masks for adults as they have a comfortable nose padding and the seal is good. For kids I wrote a response to someone else post with loads of links.
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    F**k viruses

    @bluechap Seriously. Please write your elected officials and local health department (if you can and have the energy). I'm advocating for clean air at my kid's school but it really should be legislated. Just like when we learned water should be filtered to prevent cholora, now that we know alot...
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    F**k viruses

    @rhemajoy Oh goodness. Please mask up and try to avoid reinfection. I've heard long covid is the worse and can be debilitating (plus no cure either). I am so sad that most schools and daycare centers didn't upgrade hvac systems to clean the air back when there was government money to do so. Now...
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    F**k viruses

    @sol4j Oh I hear you. I have immunocompromised family so I'm well aware of risks but sometimes you just gotta meet people where they are at and even if you help a few it can help on the chain of transmission.
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    F**k viruses

    @oliviate Also on Good Morning America they when discussed the rise of respiratory illnesses (00:58 of video) “We now have evidence that covid decreases our immune response which makes us more susceptible to infection…” By now so many people have had at covid that I'm not surprised our bodies...
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    F**k viruses

    @rena1999 Also look for "still coviding" groups in your city on facebook. If you have one you can ask if there is a maskbloc in your area. These are organizations that provide free high quality masks for people in their communities.
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    F**k viruses

    @rena1999 ProjectN95 has lots of good masks. I usually prefer N95, KN95 or KF94 as opposed to surgical or cloth (that could have more leakage). Of course the best mask is one that fits your child well (you feel no air gaps if they blow hard while its on) and that they can keep it on. Now I've...
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    My husband called me a f*cking b*tch in front of our 2 year old and won’t apologize

    @celiat Hmmm, I'm wondering that too. I heard some people get more aggressive after getting covid (which can cause neurological damage and complete personality change too). However, in this case it seems she describes him always being this way when sick.
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    F**k viruses

    @emekrus And that is why masking my family masks and it has been working. It saves parents from calling in sick and loosing $$$ and kids can be happy and healthy. Plus it's so easy (we've had years of practice now).
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    Adult Stepdaughter is Making Us Miserable! Help!

    @juanna One resource you should check out is the NEA BPD program for family members of people who have BPD. They have a free course that meets online that is wonderful. It might help for her mom, dad and you to take it just to have evidenced based tools on how to deal with her illness. The black...