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  1. L

    Bf has a big dick and I have c o n c e r n s

    @earldumarest Penises can't penetrate the cervix. Full stop. The cervix basically doesn't even have a detectable width of the opening and the entire external part that can be felt is like the size of a dime, much smaller than the girth of a penis. It would be like trying to push a banana through...
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    random d&c before an iud insertion ?

    @topolski18 No, that's not standard. It's also not standard to be sedated and intubated. Most IUD insertions are done fully awake, or at most with some anti-anxiety medication. Having them done under any degree of true anesthesia is usually a special request if someone has been unable to...
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    How likely is it to have 2 false positive pregnancy tests back to back?

    @asiaadogma I'm not sure of the exact timeline. Has she still not gotten a period at all? I wouldn't assume the bleeding would line up perfectly with when the hCG goes away. There are also, technically, some other conditions that can generate hCG, but presumably if the doctor could tell the...
  4. L

    How likely is it to have 2 false positive pregnancy tests back to back?

    @asiaadogma It's possible to get pregnant but have a very early miscarriage, often called a "chemical pregnancy" because the only way you detect it is the chemical test but no ultrasound or anything else sees anything. Not producing enough hCG can actually be the reason for a miscarriage - it's...