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  1. M

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @danrisk Thank you so much ❤️ We are happy bedsharing (for now). And I have taken the whole schedule thing loosely and I feel less pressured for sure. Thank you so much again for your kind words! You’re an amazing mom too!
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @amyworshipsjesus__ I don’t breastfeed, I do formula feed. But I imagine it is the same. I just always heard it causes rotted teeth but hearing your experience reassured me. Thank you 😊
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @nayse Yeah I secretly love bedsharing with him. I love those early morning snuggles or MOTN snuggles too. And napping with him is so nice too. We have railings but today we put the bed on the floor. Our bed is just as firm as his crib so I feel so much better! And I will definitely check out...
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @brianp24 You are so sweet. Thank you so much for your kind words. But yes I am going to follow my sons lead because nothing else is working. Thank you again! You’re doing a great job too!
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @markinsydney Thankfully his MOTN play time have stopped. The only thing we did differently was put our floor on the bed so it is safer for us to bedshare. We also have side rails but he is actually able to crawl off the bed to the floor pretty safely! But I guess it was a sleep regression we...
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @echeneis Hi fellow NICU parent! And yes I am hearing more and more the 8 month age is the hardest. It just sucks we have to go through it longer with his Preemie status. I felt like the newborn stage would never end but here I am wishing he was that small and cuddly again!
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @jorian I love this advice about the ten minutes and try again! Thank you! And yeah I need a social media purge. We do go outside at least every other day because it is something for both of us to do lol! But I do try to have natural Light come into our apartment everyday. And we have recently...
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @thabang I know he isn’t really punishing me but I totally feel like it haha! But you’re so right about the whole sleep training industry! I mean their is so much out there and so many different ways to get your kid to sleep. It’s distracting and deflating to say the least. New mom life is so...
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @followthelight That is my biggest hurdle but you are so right! Thank you for your encouragement:)
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    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @paigerific87 Yes! I’m actually thinking that my son is a low sleep needs baby. Or going through a sleep regression. Because he started this right at 8 months when before he sleep through the night pretty well. I’m gonna kinda go with the flow and see what his new needs are the next couple of...
  11. M

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @lovebug3 Th NICU is a scary place no matter how long your stay. And it is so so hard to leave the hospital without your baby. Yes I have heard of this actually! I’ll give a look and see if it will work for my family. It seems very gentle and I like that!
  12. M

    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    @drasticmeasurements We googled how to transition bedsharing to crib and used a hodge podge advice from tons of articles. But it was not easy and your situation seems more challenging. My LO took bottles and pacifiers, my husband and I relied on each other a lot because it was a lot of nights...
  13. M

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @skelly Yes I do and I will! Thank you! :)
  14. M

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @skelly Yeah I definitely feel I got that new mom nerves and rigidity. I think it is made worse by my traumatic motherhood journey. I feel as if I failed at everything and now I’m failing at having a baby that sleeps through the night. From what I am realizing, babies gonna sleep the way they...
  15. M

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    @solonotsingle Hello fellow NICU mama! When was your LO born? Yeah I agree a social media purging is in order. However I did see on social media of parents using a queen floor bed in an XL play pen to bedshare and I’m really liking that idea… thank you for your lovely words.
  16. M

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    Excuse the title but I literally didn’t know what else to put. It’s currently 5 am and I’m at my wits end. This is going to be a long rant post and I just need some support, encouragement, constructive criticism, etc. this is the only subreddit where I know I can rant to compassionate and down...