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  1. C

    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @holyspiritleads2truth I have a partner do 50% of everything so I don’t have a nervous breakdown.
  2. C

    Can I take a night off from EBF once a week?

    @alwaysfaithful18 Besides the supply issues you could have if you went a full 8 hours without removing milk, you would almost certainly get mastitis pretty quickly. I remember the horror I felt when my doula told me that a “full night of sleep” looks like 2 hours here, an hour there, 4 hours...
  3. C

    I’m just f%cking tired

    @pencil_on_paper My husband is one of the rare men who actually do 50% (sometimes more) of the work around the house and childcare. He’s exhausted and asked his senior (experience, not age) colleague how they do it. This guy said “it depends on the wife you have and how much she’s WILLING to...