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  1. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    @yessina Geez. I hope so. Last night was such a genuine moment of, "Oh, holy shit, seriously?!" I'm glad everything turned out ok for you. We'll just have to wait to put the guys in sleeper holds until the babies are here. :-)
  2. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    @teachermike I think most of my reaction last night when I posted this was sheer astonishment that I could be so dense, even for a split second. Oy vey.
  3. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    @simonscion I had a few days where I couldn't sleep on my tummy, but I can again, so long as I have my knee up by my hip (it keeps my tummy propped a little bit). I'm going to be screwed as I get bigger though. I literally cannot sleep anywhere but my tummy. :(
  4. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    @jerzy12 Yeah! I went into silly cat mode for a minute and nothing else mattered in the world besides bellyflopping onto that bed! Man! We're dorks. :)
  5. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    @jerzy12 I laid on the bed on my stomach for a minute while I processed what I'd just done. I looked at my husband and said, "Did I seriously just do that?" and he just kept reading and said, " I was wondering the exact same thing." Everything seems fine thus far, but holy cow. How doofy.
  6. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    @katrina2017 Everything feels fine. I just feel like an idiot... I honestly can't believe I did that... Thanks for the reassurance. I have a doc appointment on Tuesday afternoon. We'll see.
  7. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    So, I got frisky tonight and (somehow) forgot that I am 16 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I decided I would bellyflop onto the bed. So I did. And now I'm freaking out. What the fuck was I thinking?! Ugh... I'm seriously stupid sometimes.
  8. J

    Due Date List

    @henryt Yay! I'm official!
  9. J

    Due Date List

    @henryt Star Wars Day (May 4, 2015)!