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  1. 2

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    @vinhhali Thank you so much for posting this! Sometimes this sub takes the Marty Mom stereotype too far. We have to balance our needs with our babies needs, and also learn to differentiate between needs and wants. For example, a 13 month baby wants to latch all night, they do not need to latch...
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    Desperate for help. Please.

    @thomasmann My third baby was very clingy and never slept more than a handful of hours outside of my bed (we would start with crib sleep from about 7-9/10pm then move to bed sharing). At just shy of 12 months we moved his crib to his own room, and did the chair method. It did not work at...
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    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    @benzohar You should listen to an episode. She is all about talking to kids like they are people. The cape thing is about getting your own mind and emotions in the right frame as you face what your toddler is doing to you - basically it’s a mental strategy to address the panic attacks you are...
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    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    @benzohar Janet Lansbury has fantastic podcast episodes that talk through how to handle these situations. A lot of acknowledging and naming the emotion, while prioritizing safety. Littles feel big emotions that overwhelm them, combined with developing communication skills, so they can’t always...
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    Oh and a comment about burnout - I really enjoyed the SAHM thing for a while, and still would like some parts of it. But I found myself feeling burned out because I needed intellectual stimulation. I’m super nerdy, I love school, love thinking about complex problems. I just get bored by the...
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    @psalmofmercy Just a comment about speech delay - my oldest wasn’t saying more than a couple words at age 2. I read all the time to him and he was an only child still at that point. We started speech therapy with EI, and then my 2.5 years he was starting to speak more. He’s 9 now and is still...