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  1. M

    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    @woodgood Mine has been all over the place. Two month vaccines upset him. Four month he didn’t seem to mind. Six month he cried for a couple minutes and gave the MA an amazingly hilarious glare. Flu shot he barely reacted. Didn’t cry at all, barely flinched. One year shots made him really...
  2. M

    Shifting timeline for a friends wedding

    @praisestogod Oh yes, I’m aware haha. If we push to March we would probably continue using condoms until then and if not we would definitely avoid having sex around ovulation. My cycle is really regular and easy to track, fortunately. Edit - sorry for some reason this comment posted three times lol
  3. M

    Shifting timeline for a friends wedding

    I know the title will make everyone say “don’t do it!” But hear me out. My fiancé and I have been together for 8 years and are getting married (finally!) in October. We waited on marriage to pursue advanced degrees, get settled in careers, etc. I was definitely getting impatient towards the...