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  1. E

    Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

    @ckatiejo As an exclusively pumping mom, I’m a little taken aback that there is so much animosity at the idea of pumping one additional time versus feeding the baby from the breast, especially if you are already pumping sometimes for work and know baby will take a bottle. But it is entirely your...
  2. E

    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    @mcg1102 An easy way to ensure a 6 week scan would find something is to draw blood two to three days before. If your numbers are too low you’ll know in advance you won’t find anything on ultra sound. You only need a receptionist and a phlebotomist for that and it will also provide some useful...
  3. E

    Miscarriage or not? Advice needed

    @adoptedwatcher I don’t think you’re right that they could see anything this early. Usually 2000 HCG is the earliest and at 4 wks and change she’s probably at least a week away from visualizing anything on ultra sound, but she should indeed start getting at least betas tested to know if they are...