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  1. S

    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @silent_wife Yes that’s exactly what I’m talking about, the basics really don’t get you far if you start talking policts etc. But it seems that you found a way to make it work, maybe one has to accept things just as they come. German and Arabic really aren’t easy , so you’ve done a great job...
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    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @barsomo That’s great, thanks for sharing. The reason I was saying someone would have to study is that basics for me are „ how are you „ etc. but what if your child gets older and is using idioms or elaborating on their day you would need a lot more knowledge to grasp that not? How did you do...
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    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @pollyton The part about two people raising their kid in their own language really hit me. Of course learning the basics is a good start but the basics don’t get you that far in my opinion. If you truly want to understand everything you would have to study it more deeply or always have the other...
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @trevallion I live in Germany and can confirm English is taught starting age 2/3 depending on where you live. In 5th grade usually another language is added. From my own school experience I would say the exposure alone isn’t enough to become fully fluent. Many classmates struggled with the...