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  1. W

    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower I co-slept with my now 4 months old from 1 or 2 weeks PP. We never had any issues. I nurse him and he still wakes up every 2-3 hours to nurse (sometimes even 1 hour), but I pop up the breast - feed him shortly and he falls right back asleep usually. He wakes up so often that I...
  2. W

    Getting from combo feeding to EBF - which of the following options should I try?

    @mamba I do hope that is the case for me also…I did notice an increase in my supply for the past few days, I hope I am right.
  3. W

    Getting from combo feeding to EBF - which of the following options should I try?

    @skelendke Thank you for this throughou response. I do work with a LC, but I think I need to search for another LC for a second opinion. The consultation I received was to pump in between feedings, at 1.5 hours after BF…and to continue what I am doing now. It did improve things, but really...
  4. W

    Getting from combo feeding to EBF - which of the following options should I try?

    So, my baby boy is 5 weeks old, is combo fed and he’s gaining weight exponentially. I think the weight gain IS from combo feeding and I need to change something. He’s 11.3 lbs at 5 weeks and still gaining rapidly. My pediatrist told me he measures almost as a 2 month old. Our current feeding is...