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    F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans

    @danny123 Ugh, I really hope for your sake this article is accurate with the June timeline then - maybe you can squeak in with one dose before he starts. And thank you. We are fortunate that he didn’t get a really bad strain of it, it seems to be the one that’s just a bad cold (omicron BA2? Not...
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    F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans

    @danny123 Tell me about it. The first real risk we’ve taken in two years was sending my son to nursery two days a week, because we were wary of stunting his social development now he’s getting to an age where they start interacting more with peers. He caught covid his first bloody week...
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    F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans

    @alyakim This. When covid first hit, my worst fear wasn’t my baby dying immediately, it was him being admitted to hospital, on his own, for days or weeks. Not knowing where we were or why we wouldn’t come. This terrifying mental image did manage to make my laissez-faire mother take...
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    Swimming lessons at 6 months? Chlorinated pool?

    @helkel As far as the chlorine goes, every child in Northern Europe learns to swim in a chlorinated pool or they don’t learn, as outdoor pools just aren’t a thing here (too cold for the majority of the year for adults, never mind kids). Just to give you that frame of reference.
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    Are obnoxious colourful plastic toys really that bad?

    @kc8vji I’ll be honest, although I like a lot of Montessori philosophy, I’m not down with breakable tableware from a young age. At the end of the day, I’m not willing to endlessly buy new glasses or new plates for my 18mo to experiment with. It’s wasteful, it’s expensive, and it’s potentially...
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    My little secret ;)

    @kimmy7489 Iirc this is a legit tactic in Scandinavia - babies are who wrapped up warm and then left outside to snooze sleep really well, because humans tend to sleep more soundly if our heads are cool and bodies are warm!
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    F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans

    @lovejoyhope Exact same situation here. We kept him safe for two years by taking every precaution, and finally out of a worry of stunting his social development now he’s coming to an age where kids start practicing those skills, we took one risk and started sending him to nursery two days a...
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    I know it's nothing compared to some people here but I've officially made it 2 months breastfeeding!

    @clemdawg First two months is the hardest!!! Well done you! Keep going!
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    B.C. | A.D. | L.B.F. | L.A.F

    @historyismypassion Mine was delighted when I invested in a pop socket. For one, it helps him tell them apart, and he loves to be helpful and bring you your phone if you forget it, so now I no longer have to pretend to be pleased at the gift of my partner’s phone before surreptitiously swapping...
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @pulickalbrothers We found our son’s motion sickness improved markedly when we got dark blinds for the back side windows so he could only look out of the back. My husband, who also gets it (all his faulty genes you see, they call me ol’ Iron Guts! 😂) said that it is always worse for him to look...
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    Breastmilk amount per bottle

    @imark Breastfed babies top out at about 3-4oz per feed, because breast milk is dynamic, and the composition changes over time to fulfil the caloric needs of a growing child. Formula babies have to have more and more, because formula is static, and doesn’t offer anything different, so they need...
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    My 9-month old hates solids, help!

    @cns Off the top of my head, this is a great resource: It’s written more aimed at older children, but a lot of the tips are still relevant to you, such as having specific mealtimes and modelling eating (since you say you are trying to feed her all day...
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    My 9-month old hates solids, help!

    @cns She sounds like she’s doing fine though? My daughter is slightly older and has literally only decided actually, she is into solids after all, just in the last few weeks. She’s gone from 2 meals a day where she’d eat anything from one bite to 2tbsp of food, to eating 3 reasonable-sized...