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    Logistics going from 1 to 2

    @relizacom1987 Yes, I did this. I've sensed some low-key judgement from the staff as I actually stopped working and kept my second at home for an extended period while my first has continued going to half days at his daycare. Logistically, the hardest part was interrupting naps for baby #2 to...
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    Struggling and maybe regretting SAHP decision??

    @ahead My kids are 27 months apart (5 and almost 3) and the constant fighting has just gotten better in the past month or so. I can largely attribute it to social skills gains for both from preschool, but also to time I'm getting away from them (mostly working out) and somewhat to changes in the...
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    Struggling and maybe regretting SAHP decision??

    @ahead Gym with a nursery has been a life saver for me!! Today I worked out for 20 minutes and sat in the hot tub with my book for 20 minutes. I was a better mom all day for it.
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    I can’t shake the feeling

    @cookie34ss6 Are you me? I'm 40, have kids in private school, have one of each, and they are 5 and almost 2.5. My husband seems way more done than I am, though I'm having an increasingly hard time wrapping my head around the thought of a third after a recent pregnancy scare. The money, space...
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    What a night time solution for a heavy wetter actually looks like

    @markymatt I use I GMD fitted with 2 hemp boosters and a Thirsties cover for overnights It works for my heavy wetter.
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    So many options! Which would you recommend for home wear for 0-6 months?

    @chrishaun We have an ergo original with infant insert, Moby wrap, two Solly wraps, ring sling, infantino carrier, Lillebaby complete, and boppy comfyfit carrier. For what OP is describing, I strongly prefer a wrap (and prefer Solly to Moby) while my husband prefers the Ergo. He doesn't like...
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    So many options! Which would you recommend for home wear for 0-6 months?

    @nablusstar I wrote in a different comment what we have. I just had a second kid and I've been considering buying more! You're so right, each is so different. And I'm glad we have options because sometimes you just don't want to change the straps on your husband's favorite.
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    So many options! Which would you recommend for home wear for 0-6 months?

    @nablusstar This is so similar to my collection!
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    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @hew0007 I have a doctorate but am not an academic. I was completing a post doc when my first was born and moved to part time as soon as i could. I then moved to primarily SAHM when my second was born. I still put in some hours here and there. But, my main reason is that i wanted to be with my...
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    Don’t know what I’m doing

    @katrina2017 Good to know!
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    Don’t know what I’m doing

    @jesusmylife7 I don't have any fuzzibunz or kawaii, but I do have BumGenius, Rumparooz, and Alvababy pockets and all came with microfiber. It feels like a cleaning cloth - bamboo feels more like a fleece jacket, and hemp is like a heavy t-shirt shirt material if that makes sense. There is also...
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    Camping with an infant?

    @ecclesiastian I would recommend a pack and play, not just the mattress. Too many moving parts/fabrics from other people to be safe otherwise. We have used fleece pajamas underneath a wool sleep sack for warmth. Have layered socks underneath jammies and brought a hat for chilly nights but LO...
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    How to navigate cheating husband as a SAHP?

    @thetwister If you use a debit card to buy groceries, you can also do $20 or more cash back each time you shop.