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  1. D

    Annoying comments about my son being small

    @jollybriston This helps me affirm that people have no clue about children sizes. Although it is annoying when clothing for kids is basically no better than women’s sizes.
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    Annoying comments about my son being small

    @sabu935 This is like the size of my son. He always gets that comment, too, about how small he is. I think the worst is when they say “so is he 1?” implying like he just turned 1 even though he just turned 2. And people compare him to a kid born close to his due date (my son born 3 months early)...
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    Questions from a new NICU nurse

    @pheonic Someone who talks to you like a person and seemed to care. The ones who treated it like a job were did not make visits a nice experience. If I had questions they did whatever they could to help. Even during times of COVID, a nurse hugged me when I needed it. A nurse talked to me about...
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    27 Weeks 1 Day

    @mtol118 Now with COVID-19, they might start restricting the number of visitors depending on where you live. But if you’re cool with multiple visitors, don’t worry about what others think. It’s your baby and your well-being. And don’t be afraid to tell people to visit another time. Sometimes it...