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  1. M

    Make your dental appointments

    @p8089 I’ve always had awful teeth (genetic), filled with fillings. About 6 weeks after the birth of my son (2021; hasn’t been to dentist since fall 2019 due to a cross country move and covid) we were walking and I felt a crack while eating a granola bar. Couldn’t put much pressure on it but...
  2. M

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    @perrero Girrrrllll!! 2 words: vacation. sex. Enjoy! If the grandparents are ace, I’d do it!! I WISH my husband and I had that kind of trust and belief that our parents could take care of our 2 year old even for a night!!
  3. M

    Does sleep training even work?

    @hary89 Oh how very very sad!! My son (20 months), went to bed with a surprise fever the other night and ended up waking quite frequently even after he was given Tylenol. At about 1 AM, he cries HARD, so I go in, pick him up, give him a small bottle and he goes back to sleep on my shoulder...
  4. M

    Make your dental appointments

    @shawnmark WHAAAAAAT?!? This is amazing!