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  1. M

    Just my critique of that day care Medium article that is always circulating this sub as it relates to nannies and familial care

    @sabresong With ratios so highly touted, it also seems unreasonable to assume that children being watched by their parents are receiving 1-1 care when only-children are a minority. A mom watching her three children of various age ranges and needs is doing a better job than an infant room teacher...
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    Took my BBT too early. Any tips?

    @andybrooks This! Between my baby and cats, I take my temp at all different hours of the night/early morning. I’m still able to determine a shift and track ovulation. I would just log the temp, with a note that it was an irregular time for you, and keep moving.
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @fruitb Right?!! That Coline! So many good trace minerals. It’s certainly not cheap as far as prenatals go, but I’ve found it to be much more complete in terms of ingredients and dosages than a lot of the other brands out there!
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @fruitb This is awesome!! Thank you for doing this! My gynecologist recommends Full Circle Prenatal + a fish oil supplement for DHA
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @fruitb I feel all of this. Our big milestone is buying a house and living there for a year to recoup savings and do any renovations we’d want. My husband has been dragging his feet and never finds time to go tour houses because his work schedule is crazy. Our housing market is also super...
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @sukhovey I’m not sure that’s a fair assumption to make. I’m ready to get pregnant, but one of my non-negotiables is owning a home. Yes I know babies can live in apartments, my niece included, but it’s my personal preference to have a house we own to bring our baby home to. My husband and I have...