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    I hate my husband so much

    @dianag Thank you for the reassurance. That’s not terrible at all, i am so happy i did have #2 with him, no regrets there. My two girls will always have each other. And much respect for leaving him.
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    I hate my husband so much

    @cannie Thank you, yes exactly this. How old were your kids when you did? And no regrets?
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    I hate my husband so much

    @novemberrainstorm Yesss. Exactly - his dad won all his life. It’s infuriating. He played golf every day and treated his wife so rudely. I need to break the cycle but i know i’m far from perfect and so i dont want to take my girls’ dad away from them until i’m sure ive done everything in my...
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    I hate my husband so much

    @savedbygrace_777 Yea i know it seems that way from what i wrote.. he just doesnt want to be a parent in the way i want. Like, he thinks its totally fine for 1.5yo daughter to watch 2hours of youtube while he tinkers with his toys. And he isnt a huge fan of healthy food. But he will live longest...
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    I hate my husband so much

    @katypeach Thanks for understanding. Hugs and love back to you too. I hate egos. It’s so dumb and shortsighted too. Many moms are by nature nurturing. If we felt taken care of by our hubs, not even financially, but just in a simple emotional way, we would return that tenfold. Id be happy to be...
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    I hate my husband so much

    @twointwomillion Thank you. I’m changing my mind all the time lol. Divorce? No, no, work it out. No divorce!!! No we can make it work. Argh f him, divorce!
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    I hate my husband so much

    @olivia18 Also i’m so jealous you made it to the other side alive and well. And also happy for you.
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    I hate my husband so much

    @olivia18 Omg i totally get that about having to run everything by another adult. Hes so high maintenance and disagreeable. I want to at least be divorced on paper. My good friend divorced her husband but very few people know. They still live together and act as a family together. At least...
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    I hate my husband so much

    @olivia18 I have SO MUCH RESPECT for women esp moms who made it thru divorce. I know every situation is different but it must be so hard no matter what. Just the thought of it is draining. You cant plan your life when the thought of divorce is always lingering. Been like this for 6 years.
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    I hate my husband so much

    @abcdef Its so nice to hear this. I can see how having a routine and not having to rely on someone else can be better in some ways
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    I hate my husband so much

    @aleyah Yes i probably could afford help, I do have a great nanny but its more the evening routines where i dont have help. #2 is super clingy and only goes to me, dad, nanny. I think i would die if i had to navigate dinner and bedtime solo lol. I know youre prob right, about shared custody not...
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    I hate my husband so much

    First time post here. Just venting, not here for advice unless its tips on better ways not to lose my shit. Utilized every other resource to vent, my entire family and friends are sick of hearing my sht and nothing ever changing. Spent $7k last year on marriage counseling that did nothing...