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  1. L

    Weaning from formula and bottles

    @made4love Just water has worked well for us.
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    Weaning from formula and bottles

    @made4love We transitioned to milk and then off of bottles, that way he was only dealing with one change at a time. We started with doing half milk and half formula for a few days and then got it down to just milk. Once he was consistent with milk, we switched cups. We use the Nuk “rim-like”...
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    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @yaoshi This is very similar to mine. I don't have a set schedule, nothing would ever get done on its designated day anyway. I just do stuff that needs done. Laundry as the basket fills, dishes and kitchen daily, vacuum and mop as needed, windows when the handprints have multiplied. Husband...
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    Does anyone have the Dr. Browns glass bottles with sleeves? Do you struggle to get the sleeve on and off?

    @shae Our Avent glass bottles came with sleeves. They are also a PITA to get on and off, so we don’t use them. 10 months in and it hasn’t been a problem. We haven’t broken any. The tiny human isn’t given unsupervised bottles. If I have to pack multiple for travel or something, I will often...