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  1. L

    C.D.C. advisers unanimously recommend vaccinations of young children

    @chrismarr Same. My 2 year old has never seen the inside of a store or play place. Just the library when the kids area is empty, or playgrounds when less populated.
  2. L

    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    Oh and no additional yearly fee? Plus an additional day per week? Yes. The latter choice you presented.
  3. L

    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    @ccmrockman If it were me I'd pick Jewish. I'm of a mixed race background and would have loved more exposure to my (African) culture beyond in-home. If you can revise your budget, ofcourse. As for my family, we are 1 income, practically no savings. I am keeping the children home until...