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  1. R

    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @lawrence7 We're half Swedish, half Norwegian. They settled on twists of two historically Scandinavian names and came up with 'Bryttevena' (Bri-teh-veh-n- yuh), me, and Brynndlana (Brin-d-law-nuh), her. I would have been Brynhilde (yuck) and she was almost Brynveig (Bree-n-vi). I thank them...
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @viracox If I could change anything or go back in time ... it would be the mother fucking middle initial. I'm convinced that's one of the biggest conspirators against me. Having the same birthday isn't too much of a concern, multiple people at the same institution, whether it be a doctor's...
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @katrina2017 Lucky lucky! To be fair, we were born right around the time they began to store data and personal information electronically/online ('93). I think two more years would have made a world of difference in keeping things straight lol
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @katrina2017 Sidenote ... I recently did quite a bit of research on genetic identiy within identical twins. Long story short: 'next generation sequencing (NGS),' the DNA testing sequence able to identify genetic differences (mutations) in identical twins, is not currently admissible in a U.S...
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @krispablos One. Letter. Difference?! Those poor boys lol
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @harmed Yup. We are identical :) The medical nonense sounds like a nightmare You understand the hassle all too well it sounds like :). I don't wish to seal your fate, but I predict many, many similar instances in the future (sorry). But when the SS start issuing randoms? That would have made...
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @katrina2017 Amazon is life lol I wholeheartedly agree.
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @katrina2017 Bless you for breaking the same name trend (and you dodged one hell of a bullet with their SS numbers). Ahh ... The ordering of anything online. That, I have to say, is a new complication I've not encountered yet. What are the chances you already know the necessary extensions...
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @ngodap Sounds like a double dose of a pleasant surprise :) I recently had the pleasure of being present during my childhood best friend's ultrasound (her first pregnancy) and watched a look of shock and panic wash over her face when the tech announced she's carrying twins lol 'Startling' is...
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    @ngodap I guess the saying of "one is a mistake, two is an accident, and three is on purpose" could apply here (obviously a joke. I'm not a horrible person). If someone were to see 'three' of anything, they'd probably look a little further into the issue rather than assuming duplicates are the...
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    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    After some recently transpired events, i realized my twin ship has afforded me a perspective worth sharing :) Let me start by saying, my twin sister and I share A) our last name (duh), B) the same first three letters of our first names, C) the same middle initial, D) our birthday (given), and...