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  1. P

    How old were your children when they began to use words in different languages for the same thing or concept?

    @kairete Lad just turned two. Doesn't speak very much yet, quite delayed. Still uses quite a bit of sign language. But he does have some words he has in both languages and he adapts which language he picks to which had been speaking or the context. For example, he will ask to go see 'eend' in...
  2. P

    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @youcantsitwithus Well done! And thanks for posting. #momgoals over there :). Typing this as I am nursing my little 6 month old to sleep for his nap. I am not going to give this up. He will have it as long as he wants it. And when he is ready to let you he can lead the way, juts like your child!
  3. P

    Multilingual + Baby Sign Language Anyone?

    @kingdomconsul We are bilingual and used baby signs! It's went perfectly fine and helped out a loooooot as our son was a late speaker, but had been signing competently for months and months before sprach really became a thing.