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  1. T

    New SAHM: What chores do you daily and weekly?

    @rudytoot Like others have said, the clutter! My kids are 2 and 4. The opportunity to go back in time to really declutter before my oldest was born would change my life. We had a rough go for a couple years, followed by two moves in less than two years with the kids. Every day for years was...
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    F**k viruses

    @oliviate My kids aren't in daycare either. We are on day 12 of a sickness that just won't go away. Of course I'm (SAHM) the sickest and have very little help since I don't want my parents getting sick. I don't think I've left the house since Christmas except to go to the doctor or pharmacy. The...
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    Is there a “homeschool” curriculum that you would recommend for pre-k?

    @rachelanne84 We are on again off again with Playing Preschool. I started it just after my son turned 3. It just didn't work out so I put it away for a long time. Partially he wasn't ready, despite knowing all his letters at age 2, partially I don't think I was teaching it right. We restarted it...
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    Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

    @loreec Yikes. Was your baby born in 1954?