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    Baby V is a healthy... [18+3 Anatomy Scan!]

    @littlemelittleu2 Hey, that's how my baby boy has been laying too! :) I'm so glad all is well... definitely take as much time as you need to process the gender. Picking out a cute outfit is a good step though, I hope you have a wonderful evening! :)
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    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 Congratulations!! He is adorable! So so happy things went well. Enjoy your beautiful family, you more than deserve it
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    Baby J has arrived! Birth Story to Follow

    @soldier4ujesus Oh my gosh, that is incredible! Congratulations mama! Xoxo
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    Due Date List

    @henryt Would love to have added that I'm expecting a boy. :)