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  1. M

    Due Date List

    @henryt Same due date (Jan 24), but now we know we're having a girl!!
  2. M

    MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

    @littlemelittleu2 Your @spiritualtranscendence pics are just lovely! I'm glad you were able to find a doctor who knows his stuff, and as always you are in my thoughts and prayers!! Keep being an awesome mama!
  3. M

    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 Congratulations!!! What a handsome little man!!! I've been on pins and needles all day waiting to see the good news!! I am just so so happy for you!!! Yayyyy!!!!