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    @thundergirl96 I had a scan that was 8 weeks LMP but baby was measuring 7 weeks (I ovulate late). The tech did it just fine as an abdominal scan. I’m in canada though and trans vaginal ultrasounds are not common unless there is a reason to utilize in cases of high risk, placental position, etc.
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    Glucose testing

    @jacob1996 Definitely don’t skip this. It’s important to know. The drink was kinda yuck to me but I don’t drink sugary drinks. Take a book to read or something to watch while you wait.
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    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    @sean91 There’s also r/babywearing. If you search there you’ll find helpful info!
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    @jossus You posted this in the sub I mod and we removed it because it sounds sketchy. Why is the email address a gmail one and not a university email add?
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    @poptart1919 You can get a load for cheap on Amazon. Also this tells me you’re actually not tracking and having sex during the right 2-3 days. If you are ttc then definitely get on those ovulation sticks.
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    What is your experience on getting off the pill while being plus size?

    @brokenlyperfect I mean you aren’t ovulating or getting a period, you’re in a larger body. You can look up pcos symptoms and see if they match you but pcos whether physiological or weight induced seems plausible
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    8 month old suddenly waking 4-6x a night after months of being a “good sleeper.” What am I doing wrong?

    @jimhempel It’s the 8-10 mo regression probably coupled with teething
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    What is your experience on getting off the pill while being plus size?

    @brokenlyperfect There’s no need to jump straight to infertility. There’s a bunch of pcos subs that you may find helpful though to start. Basically diet changes to help pcos symptoms in many cases
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    @poptart1919 Are you using ovulation sticks to track your cycle and doing the deed during that window?
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    Disappointed and no VBAC

    @ronyrex If you’re 35 or up that would be it
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    Disappointed and no VBAC

    @ronyrex Gotcha. Well you can always get a second opinion!
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    Disappointed and no VBAC

    @ronyrex How old are you if you don’t mind? After 2 c secs and what I’m assuming is advanced maternal age, the best outcome is a c sec and that’s why your dr is pushing for it.
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @rocknroll15 I stopped at 8 months once crawling. We slept on a floorbed
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    @poptart1919 Are you needing referrals for infertility? Is there a reason you need your doctor to approve you ttc?
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    Do you follow the recommendations on the formula box?

    @daniel109 Follow your baby’s cues. I wouldn’t change nip size yet.
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    C section mom’s with apron belly

    @annointed620 Idk what silicone bandages are but I just did the after care they told me which was leave the dressing and then peel the the first but after a few days and that was that. It’s been two years and honestly I don’t think anyone else would be able to tell I had a csec (besides a dr...
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    Anyone else have a giant baby?

    @exit96 Hi jacking this comment so op sees there’s also r/bigbabiesandkids
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    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    @aybuqui My babe didn’t nurse past the fourth trimester. Exclusively bottle fed from then on. Randomly started twiddling at 17 months (no, I don’t smell like milk as I fully stopped lactating at 13 months). And allllllllo night long after every wake he tries to twiddle. And all night long, I...
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    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @mackied I think it’s kid and parenting dependent. My toddler loves to be held and we have always bed shared so the lap infant thing worked out great for us. Also things like flying red eyes and getting appropriate seats on planes make a difference!
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    I’m just f%cking tired

    @mads I’m in Canada where we get 12-18 months and also went back earlier out of pressure. I think this is maybe why I’m done