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  1. J

    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @mdgjr3311 Thank you! And no way, not at all. I get this excited when I see people I care about get solid BFPs like this. And I am just waiting to see your face over in CautiousBB. You're gonna be there soon. =)
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @juliadanikka Thanks! =)
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @lynnepenix Thanks!! SO EXCITED haha!!
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @americangirl54 Thank you! And dude, you're gonna be over in CautiousBB before you know it. I'm gonna blink and see you and hlsi and a ton of other awesome ladies in there any day now. =)
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    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @akeeda I love that you take this seriously and you know what? I agree 100% with you! Especially the peanut butter thing... oh for fuck's sake, you know? Yes, there's peanut butter in my house. If you're allergic to it, how about you don't spread it all over your body? =) And dude, they...
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @rocknrollah6ur1 Thanks!! =)
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @broword In the words of beez, I would shove super glue up there if it could help. Stick baby STICK!!! :D Thank you SO MUCH. You are amazing.
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    My intro post... O_o

    @lovingsheep429 BUNNY!!!!!! :D I am freaking. out. right now! YES!!!!! Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you guys!
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @glenninindy Thanks!
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    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @akeeda I don't think you're being the bad guy at all! In fact, I actually agree with you for the most part. =) But if it's somebody who will have close contact with your baby on a regular basis, to the point the baby stays at their house and whatnot, I think that's a little different. For...
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @sukhbataar (((hugs))) Thank you! And by the way, I have been thinking about you lots. I hope your whole family is doing well, especially MIL, and especially you. You have lots and lots of happy thoughts and positive, healing energy headed your way.
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @l86 Thanks!! :D
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @readerdavid YAY! C'mon zygote, bury yourself and be happy! =)
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @stephanie18 Thank you! I really hope the femara works for you this cycle. =)
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    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @starfruits Well, she's not a nurse or someone who has medical interaction with patients - she's more administrative/director kind of work. The nurses and patient-contact staff are required to have everything, but the non-contact staff isn't. She's up to date on everything else, though -...
  16. J

    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @hermana Thank you!! :D I'm freakin' the fuck out. I need to go make dinner but I am totally breaking my no-weekend-internet rules tomorrow. I am joining you in cautiousbb!!! :D
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    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    @johnnythebaptist Awww Pam!
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    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @bnj Seriously! I mean, we argued on the phone for 15 minutes about this, and we don't have arguments. We're really close and respectful of choices the other makes. I do not understand her! I mean, what's the big freaking deal about getting a simple shot - which she can get for free at work...
  19. J

    Baby V is a healthy... [18+3 Anatomy Scan!]

    @littlemelittleu2 This makes me so happy!!!! Not the sex, but the healthy part, and MFM giving you a thumbs up. I know the different gender might be kinda hard right now on you guys, but remember - healthy, active, measuring ahead. GOOD things!! =) ((((hugs))))
  20. J

    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @shortygreyhere My mom - who works in healthcare - is fighting me on this. My brother & SIL? No prob, they're happy to do it. Hubs already had his, he's good. I get mine in 2 weeks. But my mom? Arguing with me STILL on this!!! We live in a county that has one of the highest pertussis...