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  1. L

    6 y.o. advised to get 8 crowns! What the what!?

    @on_a_mission_ I can tell from my own experience that fillings are definitely a thing in baby teeth. I had a lot when I was a kid. Yes, baby teeth fall out, but your kid will have her molars for quite a few more years until then. So you definitely should get them looked after. I see no reason...
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    Can landlord and neighbours give me trouble for 2 instances of baby crying?

    @darkcainz Not sure how laws are in your place, but here in Germany, crying children are by law defined as no reason to file a noise complaint. I mean, what are you supposed to do? Drug your kid to sleep? Neighbor is being ridiculous and landlord needs to get a grip and tell them to just get...
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    (Update) DHS Left A Card on My Door? (X-post from /r/Parenting

    @robert244 I mean, she's five. Of course, she's able to stay on her own in the apartment for a few minutes. If she needed you, she'd know where to find you. Hell, even my 2.5-year-old is allowed to stay alone in our apartment for a few minutes while I take a load of washing down to the laundry room.
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    How to deal with daughter’s first boyfriend? Don’t want to be “that mom”

    @angroth33 I believe the best way of action is to make sure she knows that she can come to you with ANY question in regards to her relationship and you will answer without judging her. Whether it‘s „I need birth control now.“, „I think he's cheating on me.“, „I might be pregnant.“ or „He's...