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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @simonscion your very welcome. know you can't "prevent" it persay, but you certainly can do things to lesson your chances. atleast according to my doctors.
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @rustyw your where i was 5 years ago, when i had my oldest. i was GD then, and my only risk factor was really that i was "clinically obese" according to the BMI index. healthy as a horse otherwise. i also had a horrid doc who made me feel out of place that i ended up on insulin right away...
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @rustyw aw sweetie remember this mantra. "the placenta is a asshole and controls the hormones regulating your sugars.... we think" even with how controlled mine are, i had 3 weeks of AWESOME numbers, then 3rd trimester hit. and numbers go whacky dacky, all over the place. don't beat...
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @barret77 remind yourself the placenta is a asshole and controlling the hormones making your sugars out of whack!. At least that is how the Awesome Doc explained it to me. Insulin is NOT that bad. honestly. if you can do it in your legs nad belly, your good. my legs are out. (too...
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    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 Oh Vall! WHAT A DARLING! i seriously burst into tears for you! MILES IS HERE! CONGRATULATIONS! i am over the moon your little one is here, and his face is just darling to look at! your hubby looks over the moon as well!! and yeah... still crying here for you.
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @b3789 oy! genetics just has it in for you don't they????
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @b3789 ugh.. you know, i dind't find out that my bio-dad had type 2 till i got pregnant the second time. i have to scour around, then i found out my uncle had it as well. then this year, my mom was diagnosed pre-diabetic. i just can't win. i have other issues as well that lead to the...
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @b3789 ha! yeah, hummus i love it, but sometimes, it's just.. eh.. enough already! and once they have a baseline for your numbers, likely they can decide where to go with you! hopefully exercise and such works for you!
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @danielfn well.. you can do it! YOU CAN DO IT! i always booked mine in the morning anyways. as going from midnight to noon just about felt like torture for not eating. but 8 pm till 8 am was WAY easier. and a snack in my bag to eat after the damn test. as ya know, it's over at 11 am...
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    Baby V is a healthy... [18+3 Anatomy Scan!]

    @littlemelittleu2 hurray for good scans! i was coming to check in on you today and see if you had a update! a boy! that is super exciting! a different adventure then you were hoping for, your husband will come around to having a boy, as long as he is happy and healthy super squishy hugs!!!
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @jacknife your welcome!
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @mauricio512 your welcome, i seen so many posts, and after last time i posted about this, people seem to be posting more! so goign to try to remember to do one every day if i can. keeps them in check for me too. i hope the new therapist helps out for you! eating really is super important...
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    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    Hey ladies!! are you worried you have GD? worried about your test and failing it and what its going to do to you? Have diabetes and not doing so hot keeping up on everything? lets be there for each other! Here is some info on diets that was given to me by my clinic. its been a great...
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    Baby J has arrived! Birth Story to Follow

    @soldier4ujesus CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!
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    UPDATE prenatal Down syndrome dx and in utero surgery (x posted)

    @tylerngo She is adorable! Congrats!!!