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  1. Z

    Toddler sleep: at my wits end

    @wolfsgold Do it!! I think your plan sounds wonderful. You could offer some cows milk before bed. Support his crying any way that helps - my husband also did rocking and then when nursing was no longer on my daughters mind we faded that out until she just lay next to us to fall asleep. The first...
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    Bring home a sibling - my experience

    @kithstack Thank you so much for sharing!! It’s so important to be flexible instead of sticking to a plan no matter what 🫶
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    Floor bed vs bed sharing - safer?

    @vinhhali I’d stick with what you’re comfortable with! That might change in a year, who knows, but if you doubt right now, then don’t.
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    Going on a cruise with a cosleeper

    @miguelblanco Ask for bed rails! We did a cruise and they had them for toddlers for nights with rough seas, so we got one for our then 13 month old. There is a certain risk for entrapment for infants when sleeping with bed rails - my personal risk/benefit analysis would allow it though. But yeah...
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    How unlucky was I?

    @katrina2017 It’s rare to read from a fellow rectocele sufferer! It’s the thing I’m most worried about in case of a second pregnancy. Did you have similar problems again? Any tips? I’ve got mine under control through PT and stool softener but ugh. It was so uncomfortable and gross when it was bad.
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @y0ung1996 Don’t borrow worries from the future. What’s working for you now is working, and you stop when it stops working. I felt similar doubts at 8 months and I’m so glad I powered through until 12 months - then we night weaned and had her sleep in her own room. It fills me with so much...
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    16-month-old still nursing overnight

    @benfje401 Awwww it’s not a “sleep crutch”!! It’s a gift. I’m really happy for your son, he must have felt so loved all those times he woke up to find his moms warmth and closeness in the same way he always has, all his life! Is sleep crutch another term from those darn sleep consultants? I want...