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    1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

    @naila It would really depend on a few things like: 1) what is your childcare situation like? Would husband be able to manage drop-off and pickups that day? What is your backup plan? 2) how bad is traffic? Could 1.5 hrs turn into 2.5hrs? 3) is the office strict on which day you go in or is it...
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @sophiahrz Everyone here has had good comments. As someone who exclusively pumped for 10m (started around 7wks - so basically 1 yr of breastfeeding) I didn’t enjoy pumping but did place a lot of value on breastfeeding if that makes sense. Personally, being able to do something for my baby while...
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @mh86 It’s typical if HR calculates bonus based on working hours. Maternity leave doesn’t count towards that
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @kairete Thank you! Your insight is very helpful. She loves books and so many are in English here but I really like the idea of using the pictures to enforce minority language.
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @curry3023 I speak English with my spouse and while we’re both learning each others native languages it’s still hard to have adult serious conversations in those. So she definitely hears a lot of English at home. We should make the effort to speak it less in front of her
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @aldredian There are a few bilingual students but it’s the minority (and generally the minority in our region. The majority if families only speak English here). I will ask they just affirm they secondary languages and offer the English word but not say “no”.
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @mjmichaels Thanks for your insight!! It’s really helpful to hear experiences from other parents. We have a very small bilingual / multilingual community here and most have babies younger than ours. We were mostly raised monolingual until I went to preschool (around 3 or 4) so our parents...
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @aldredian Yes exactly! We’re really intentional at home. But it’s so little time and it’s easy to feel like we’re always behind. It’s good to know that a little later we can push a little more. Now I just say things in Spanish or Italian and acknowledging what she said to me in English.
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @cassandra77 I’m not sure if they’re correcting but I do see a preference starting to form. She says “Water” more often now and a couple other small words where she knew it first in Spanish or Italian but now says it in English. So something is happening. Maybe this is normal?
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    I have a toddler who is constantly learning new words at daycare and at home. We speak 3 languages at home (Italian, Spanish and English) but only English at daycare. Half the new words are in her minority languages which is great! But I’m nervous that the daycare teachers will say “no, that’s a...