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  1. P

    Baby V is a healthy... [18+3 Anatomy Scan!]

    @littlemelittleu2 Ahhhh I'm so glad everything went well on the scan front. Those pics are awesome!! Of all people, you and your husband have plenty of reason to feel gender disappointment, but I'm sure that as time passes you will both grow to be excited for a little man to grace your...
  2. P

    Baby J has arrived! Birth Story to Follow

    @soldier4ujesus Ahhh! I'm the same as DwK! Come looking for one update, find other happy surprises! Congratulations!! How fabulous!
  3. P

    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 Oh Val! I've refreshed reddit so many times today, and now I'm bawling with happiness for you. Not helped that somewhere over the rainbow is playing in the background here. (Seriously, no need for the extra feels here, thanks music channel) I feel like I can retire from reddit...