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  1. B

    Arguing in front of the kids…

    @alexsad Sounds to me like you are brushing off reasonable criticism in hopes of finding a unicorn study that supports your bad behavior. As a scientist, that's not the right way to approach the lit.
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    9 y.o. is being bullied by her 2 best friends

    @boog Why do you want to be subtle about it? I have a nine year old who has a couple of "friends" in their group who, as much as I hate to pin this on a nine-year-old, are clearly becoming the manipulative "mean girl" stereotype. I am very clear and direct that a person that is your friend...
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    Adult Stepdaughter is Making Us Miserable! Help!

    @juanna Why are you so involved in discipline, is future stepdaughter on board with that? Seems like it should be your fiance and her exes responsibility. Your future wife should be making her daughter clean the trash if the dogs get into it.