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  1. B

    We f***ed up. Ruined sleep trained baby

    @srjoanna Oh we had to do all the reading. He’s our second and we never ran into this with our first
  2. B

    We f***ed up. Ruined sleep trained baby

    @srjoanna This is a normal transition when switching from a crib to bed this early. We also made this mistake. We basically gentle trained our guy. Rocking, hugs cuddles, holding hands, and then after a few days shortening the time and then eventually moving to middle of the room and then to...
  3. B

    Nonstop Begging

    @salimpu One thing that has really helped us. We take a picture of the item and put it in a little journal to remember when it’s his birthday or Christmas. When it’s time to choose a present we go through his little journal to see what is still exciting and relevant. So he will say “mom I...