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  1. M

    How much do initials matter?

    I had only seen their initials with their middle names, EKW and ESW. So never came to mind! 🤦🏽‍♀️
  2. M

    How much do initials matter?

    @greyknight Oh my gosh! I did this with my TWO girls before realizing what i did! Both of them are E.W 😂 and I love E names, so we’ll just keep it up with the rest of them! 😂
  3. M

    Time to drop a bottle?

    @david1987 We give my girls some vitamins drops, they have iron and other vitamins in them. Mine are toddlers, so I add it to chocolate milk to hide the taste. But maybe you could hide it in something else? Just makes me feel better knowing they are getting the vitamins that they need.