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  1. S

    How do you know you want a child?

    @coconut85 I don’t remember a time where I haven’t wanted children, I’ve always had very strong maternal feelings and felt that little people instantly feel safe around me. I have younger siblings who I took on a lot of the parenting duties for, have worked with children with special needs and...
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    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @mightynameofjesus I love that so much about Germany, it’s a wonderful country! 💗
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    How do you know you want a child?

    @mc10304 Are you me?! I could have written this word for word 💗 you’re going to be a wonderful parents and your kiddos will be so lucky to have you!
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    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @light3 Sometimes I think we might be crazy for settling in the UK and not Germany 😅 but there are pretty awesome things here I have to remember! Also think Germany is amazing for employed people and UK is slightly better for self employed!
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    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @mightynameofjesus My partner is from Germany so I know a bit more about the situation there and how amazing it is for parents. I believe you would be fully supported by the government for 2 years, is that right? If the amount you would get combined with your partners pay would be enough then I...
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    Has anyone else already written their birth plan?

    @pariaman I am so impressed by this detail, definitely makes me want to write mine out ASAP despite being years from giving birth!! I have already written out a lot of detailed notes about what I want/don’t want but I’m going to use this as inspo for a more detailed and clear list - thank you...
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    23f cannot wait to start a family (hoping to start TTC this year)

    @sam81 I think when we don’t have a clear timeline in place and it feels like we could become pregnant any time it can absolutely take over your mind. Looking back, I think this is exactly what happened to me last year. I went from being excited to have a baby when the time was right to not...
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    Hi, I’m new here

    @infinium Welcome to the group!! Honestly finding this has helped me so much and whenever I’m having a hard time coming on here has helped me to feel less alone so hopefully it’s the same for you. This is so common and natural and you shouldn’t feel any guilt at all. It’s so lovely that you’re...