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  1. J

    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @lostescape at 13 days…. still not here
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @lostescape okay, thank you so much! I really appreciate your help (:
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @lostescape okay cool, what about if she started taking her birth control again? the only reason she stopped was because we knew we weren’t gonna see each other for a few months, so there would be no sex. I don’t think she realized stopping it would cause irregular periods and neither did I. If...
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @kendraw i hope so, it’s nice to hear someone else was in a similar situation! gives me hope she isn’t pregnant. She’s 11 days late now though, which is super worrying….
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @rjl 13 days late….
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @rjl okay. thank you
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @rjl i hope so. could stopping birth control cause something like this too? she’s been having some cramping but no period, which make me think maybe she is pregnant, because why would she be having cramps but no period?
  8. J

    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @rjl why do you think it would be so late then?
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    @rjl okay, thank you for the response.
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    is my girlfriend pregnant?

    hey guys, my girlfriend is currently 11 days past when she was supposed to get her period. We took one test 4 days after her missed period and it was a clear negative, and we took another test yesterday, 10 days past her missed period and it was also a very clear negative. The last period she...