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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @1stjohn0666 Yeah that makes sense. But definitely ask if they are interested in baby sitting while you guys go out and do something fun!
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @1stjohn0666 We're still working through this as well. We have one 3 year old and another on the way. We have ample PTO (5-6 weeks ish). Both families live in the same state but a good 6-10 hours drive away from us, depending on which one. We also have close family in California. Really most of...
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    No clue what to get toddler for Christmas

    @kievonn We have Picasso tiles and they have survived a year so far with no signs of wear. I can't even think of what a child would have to do to break them - she's definitely given them a good bang and toss here and there and they are fine.
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    No clue what to get toddler for Christmas

    @kievonn We haven't bought anything yet, but I've thought about it a bit. We are trying to move towards: something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read. So for us it might be: Magnatiles (highly recommend if you don't already have them). Craft supplies (almost out...
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    5.5 month old used to sleep through the night, now waking constantly

    @timmysfriend So, I'd first confirm that she doesn't have an ear infection. Then I'd check for any possible teeth. Ours got her first 4 all at the same time and it was a rough couple of weeks before we saw one poke through and had an explanation. Then if you haven't heard about the rumored 4...
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    @chocolatesquare A pack and play is going to be too small by around age 2. Plenty of kids start climbing out of cribs at 18 months -2 years, and pack and play are even easier to get out of However you could just put the daybed mattress on the floor until the child is old enough to use the bed...