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  1. G

    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @aftershock777 These are great reccomendations. Thank you
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @joseph92 Thank you
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @paulm7 He's calling because him and his friends are all too high or drunk. If he's within a mile or two I've told him to walk but he thinks that's out of the question and uses it as an excuse to get a non sober ride. I want him to experience some real world consequences that don't come from me...
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @laurapalooza Thanks for your thoughtful response. His ADHD wasn't caught untill recently. While he was somewhat impulsive at a younger age it was never disruptive in class and we helped him find outlets and coping skills. My son was a motivated and competitive athlete before drugs. I was...
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @dovesong Thanks, I'll look into DBT
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @mpt Him and his friends sell fake airpods and I'm assuming other things. I search his room daily and regularly confiscate anything I find suspect. Drugs, vape pens, lighters, etc. I've never found more than one item of contraband at a time. I'm assuming his friends hold all the cash and...
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @pastorben Interesting, nobody I've encountered has mentioned this option. May be worth bringing up with a judge at his next hearing. Thank you
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @ivans Thankyou, sometimes it's reassuring to know we're not alone.
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    Hey All, I have a 16yr old son who's been calling me every weekend night for a sober ride home. I am wrestling with what to do here. Let me provide some background first. 1) He started using THC regularly when he was 15 and recently started drinking most weekends 2) We've had him in therapy...